Steph's 2nd Trimester Update (18weeks pregnant)

Well, dynamic-fam, pregnancy has taken an extreme toll on my (aging!) body. I am currently 18 weeks pregnant... and I have only just today completed my first workout since I was 5 weeks pregnant (ie: the week you miss your period). Which means, it has been FOUR MONTHS since I have done a workout. As many of you know, I have hyperemesis gravidarum or 'morning sickness on steroids'. There have been times I couldn't sit up without vomiting, multiple visits to hospital, a few different types of drugs to try to keep anything down so I could stay hydrated, etc. etc. etc. I'm faring MUCH better now, and I am starting to use exercise as a way to encourage my body to remobilise and energize.

Don't forget, in all of this, I am a pre & post-natal trained PT, so I have a great background knowledge on what to look out for. I have also been SO SICK, I will not push myself too much. Now that I have given you that disclaimer...

My workout today was entirely seated (hi upper body!) as, much to my extreme chagrin, I have already begun to develop abdominal separation - known medically as diastasis recti - which will further prevent me doing any abdominal specific 'six-pack' work until I have healed following post-partum work. I won't lie, this is a mission I'm already not looking forward to. So- every move now becomes a core exercise (now where have I heard that before?). One thing about the pregnant body is that the new imbalances and adjustments of organs to make room for baby causes every movement to be core work. Nothing extra in terms of ab work is necessary for me during these next 5 months.

I'm keeping a detailed log of what I'm able to do, how my diastasis looks, and how my body feels. The grace to allow for exhaustion and remembering that as I gain weight I don't need to hold extra dumbbell weight keeps for a great maintenance phase of my programing. Aside from a healthy baby and birth, my biggest fitness goal is to be able to keep our gym tidied, grab your weights between sets, and not need a nap every afternoon (maybe just every other afternoon, haha!).

If you have any questions for me, or if you know any pregnant or post-natal women who have questions, please reach out! The dynamic support network is a strong and mighty one.

More updates soon, but I can't wait to see you all in the studio soon!