Weekly Lockdown Challenge (Week 1) #pressonwithdynamicfitness

“Some days you just have to create your own sunshine” 

Our PT Steph has set the challenge for the 1st week

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Hello, Dynamic Fam!

Here we are back with the blog amid a crazy time here in our world: Covid-19. It’s probably all you’ve been reading about, so I wanted to start this post by acknowledging it and our social distancing (hello, virus, please stay a minimum of 3 feet away from me!), and then taking a bit deep breath with you… 1… 2… 3… and changing the subject (for our sanity and mental health!). 

Today, a quick note about visualisation. It’s a powerful tool to allow us to progress without actually putting physical effort in. There’s loads of evidence about this (here’s one: https://journals.lww.com/nsca-scj/Fulltext/2012/10000/Maximizing_Strength_Training_Performance_Using.10.aspx), and we can definitely utilise visualising as a tool to progress with training in tiny spaces. 

We’ve got a goal we’re visualising here at DYNAMIC, and we were hoping you could help us with it as a community. We are going to see how many PRESS-UPS we can do as a team over the next week. Use the hashtag #pressonwithdynamic and check in with your trainer with your numbers and we will add them to our count.

First, set your goal (hint- it’s Press-Ups!), set your intensity (hands and toes? knees and toes? depth?), and set your count (mine 10 reps of full press ups 10 sets per day!), visualise yourself checking in tonight with your trainer tonight with that goal accomplished, and then DO IT! 

We’re here if you need us! Looking forward to hearing all about your press up goals and wins!

(Please email your total by Sun 29th @ 6pm: ross@getdynamic.co.uk)

Love, Team Dynamic 

GLEN’S UPPER BODY YOUTUBE 5 MINUTES: First exercise is press-ups: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OImuKs26qU