The Benjamin Foundation 67 Sit Up Challenge

Take on the challenge of 67 sit ups a day in July to raise £67 for the 67% of young people worried about the pandemic’s effect on their mental health


You’ll feel great, look great and be helping young people in Norfolk and Suffolk to finally feel hopeful again. It’s easy and fun to take part. Just follow the steps below:

1. Set up your interactive fundraising page on GivePenny, set a target of £67 and share with your friends, family and colleagues to invite donations. Use the rocket counter to enter how many sit-ups you’ve done each day!

2. Be part of the Sit Up 67 community in this Facebook group, share your pain, gains and top tips with others doing the Sit Up 67 challenge!

3. Sit up safely! Be sure seek advice on the best technique to avoid any injuries!

4. Download and print the Sit Up 67 calendar from to check off each day that you do your sit-ups.

5. Start practicing now – remember you don’t have to do all your sit-ups in one go but could split them through the day. Don’t worry if it takes you some time to build up to 67 – by the end of July you’ll get there!

There are some great Benjamin Foundation items that you can get your hands on too! Reach your £67 target and we’ll post you our butterfly pin badge free of charge - but don't stop fundraising there, keep going and see just how much money you can raise! You can also order a limited edition Sit Up 67 T-shirt online, with a percentage of each sale being donated to the Summer of Hope! Contact Jessica on to find out how to get yours!